2022 Sponsorship Levels
New York State Association for Infant Mental Health (NYS-AIMH) is a 501 C3 organization. All donations made to NYS-AIMH are tax exempt.
Sponsor commitment is due by August 1, 2022.
Run: $2500
- Logo included on the back cover of Project: Bright Lights annual coloring book:“EVERY DAY HELPERS”
- Sponsor featured article in special Project: Bright Lights Newsletter to 12,000+ subscribers:
- Social workers, psychologists, early childhood educators, childcare providers, nurses, speech/language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, legislators, child welfare professionals, judges, pediatricians, and home visitors
- Special “thank you” in social media; 2 dedicated post
- Digital (PDF) coloring pages available for your own website
- 25 coloring books, including 5 signed copies by illustrator Lisa Marie Lyckland
Walk: $1000
- Logo included on inside of Project: Bright Lights annual coloring book: “EVERY DAY HELPERS”
- Logo included in Project: Bright Lights special eNewsletter to 12,000+ subscribers
- Special “thank you” in social media; 1 dedicated post
- Digital (PDF) coloring pages available for your own website
- 10 coloring books, including 2 signed copies by illustrator Lisa Marie Lyckland
Talk: $500
- Logo included on inside of Project: Bright Lights annual coloring book: “EVERY DAY HELPERS”
- An acknowledgement on social media recognizing all “Talk” level sponsors
- Digital (PDF) coloring pages available for your own website
- 5 coloring books
Smile: $100
- Listed in Project: Bright Lights annual coloring book: “EVERY DAY HELPERS”
- Digital (PDF) coloring pages available for your own website
QUESTIONS? email: jfrolish@nysaimh.org for additional details.